woensdag 9 maart 2011

Cross stitch mural!

Ik ben overdonderd door de overweldigende belangstelling voor mijn kruissteek muurschildering. Zoveel leuke reacties op mijn huis op BloesemBlog! En de foto's ervan zwerven nu overal rond in blogland. Het lijkt mij dus een goed idee om met Marianne Design samen een 'kruissteek-muurschilder-pakket' samen te stellen. Hier ga ik aan werken, hopelijk lukt het. Ik kom er snel op terug op dit blog.

{I'm stunned by the overwhelming interest in my cross stitch mural. I've got so many lovely reactions on my house on the BloesemBlog and the photos wander around all over blogland. I thing it will be a great idea to design together with Marianne Design a 'cross-stitch-mural-set'. I'm going to work on such a set and will keep you posted on this blog.}

17 opmerkingen:

Helga Teunissen zei


Alle mooie dingen zei

het ziet er dan ook echt super uit!

mayuk zei

Love Love Love it!!!

Marjanne zei

een super idee!!

Anoniem zei

dit is helmaal


Rosalind zei

Lovely! Yes, I am blogging about your mural tomorrow all the way in Australia! Love your work.

Chuzai Living zei

I saw your article over at BloesemBlog and thought that the cross stitch wall mural was fantastic! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!! Kaho

Casey zei

it's such a great idea! I'm thinking of finding a design to do on a big canvas since I rent and can't actually do it on the walls.

Mariebruxelles zei

Hartstikke mooi!

marta_tururu zei

Love your idea!! So I share it in my blog x4duros.com

Thanks from Madrid :D

Connie G. Barwick zei

I love this - I'd love to use an image of this mural on my blog. If that is possible please email me at crossstitch.guide@about.com

Connie G. Barwick

celine zei

this is beautiful !! i hope your book will be soon available in english.
i would like to talk about you on my little french blog, if ok with you.

Anoniem zei


Vanilla zei

Hi Eline,

I love your design style. I've been following you for quite a while, but this wall paint you made is absolutely gorgeous.
I posted it on my blog:

marie zei

My daughter loved your mural so much! She did one on her guest room wall. Thank you for sharing so much lovely inspiration.

Her blog is explanationrequired.blogspot.com if you'd like to see it!

Thanks again!

♥ Miss Tea zei

So Beautiful! I absolutely adore it, you're so creative and talented! i've been eyeing your book but i have to find the one in english, coz i absolutely love your creation! i'd love to try to make a mural like yours, if that's okay..really love it!


Shahrul Niza zei

I LOVE LOVE your floral mural, I should like to try this too. Inspiring. The colors make me happy too. HUGS.